Developing Your Career

Developing Your Career

What Separates Montessori Schools From Other Types Of Early Education Programs?

by Cory Diaz

Many schools out there advertise themselves as Montessori schools, but may not fully practice Montessori methodologies. It's important to remember that there's a rich philosophy behind Montessori education. It's that philosophy you must look for if you want to make sure your child receives a true Montessori education.

What is the Montessori Philosophy?

The philosophies behind the Montessori Method, developed by Maria Montessori, involve using natural human instincts and characteristics to learn. Children are naturally curious. They want to learn and experiment. Montessori is about allowing them to do that through executive function.

Montessori is about development, rather than strictly about learning. As children develop their critical thinking skills, independence, and concentration, they will naturally absorb knowledge. In fact, they will start to seek out more and more of it on their own.

Not All Montessori Schools Embrace all Montessori Methods

Many schools make use of Montessori methods, but choose the ones that fit their own branding or philosophies. This is neither good nor bad, it just means some schools aren't true Montessori schools in the sense that they don't adhere to a full Montessori model.

Since Montessori isn't a brand, it's possible for any person or organization to use the name. Because of that, you should certainly research any Montessori school you're considering.

If you want a full Montessori experience for your child, it's best to look for schools with accreditation from Montessori organizations. You can also look for individual teachers with Montessori certifications.

Is Montessori Right for You and Your Child?

You should certainly take some time out to attend a Montessori class to see how it works. Do some research on your own as well. You may want a different type of education for your child.

You may even want a school that makes use of some Montessori elements in its educational approach, rather than the full the Montessori experience. The Montessori Method can work in conjunction with other educational methods.

Many schools out there have taken elements of Montessori to improve their early education practices. Even some daycares, and other institutions that deal primarily with children, have taken a page or two from the Montessori Method.

Montessori classrooms involve self-learning, independence, and social awareness. While every child can benefit from the Montessori methods, it's not always the right fit for some families.

Childhood education and development is incredibly important. You should spend some time weighing your options. However, the Montessori Method has a lot of value, so you owe it to yourself to learn more about it.


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Developing Your Career

When was the last time you were really happy at work? About a year ago, I started asking myself this question, and it occurred to me that I really needed to go back to school. I started spending a lot of time thinking carefully about what the future held for me, and it was really eye-opening. Within a few short months, I was enrolled at another college and enjoying my time learning. I wanted to make a blog for adults that head back to school, because it is a great way to make your life better. Check out this blog for finding the right school for you.