Developing Your Career

Developing Your Career

Tips To Help Your Child Get Ready For Kindergarten

by Cory Diaz

Kindergarten is the first step in your child's education. If your child isn't ready for kindergarten, he or she may fall behind and struggle throughout their years of education. Having your child ready ahead of time is necessary to ensure your child succeeds in kindergarten and beyond. Read below for tips to help get your child ready for kindergarten.

Practice Writing Their Name

Your child should know how to write at least their first name, recognize it, and answer to it. They should know their last name as well. Have your child practice writing their name, even if they are tracing over what you have written to start. Use a pencil, markers, or even crayons when writing. You can also use chalk and have your child write over their chalk name with a wet paintbrush. There are multiple ways to practice writing; just be sure that your child is holding their pencil with their dominant hand and is holding it with their finger and thumb (pincers).

Practice Counting

Your child should be able to count to at least 20 successfully. Your child should be able to count objects up to 20 as well. These are things you can do while at home or even driving down the road. Make it a fun game counting cars or large trucks, or count only a specific color (which helps with color recognition as well). You can count snacks together, then give the snack to your child to eat. Use M&M's, cereal, or some other small snack item.

Practice Identifying Colors

Your child should be able to recognize these colors easily: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, brown, white, silver, and gold. Work on colors with your child if they are unable to recognize them. You can work on colors a number of different ways. Use books that have colors and names in them, or point out colors daily to your child and repeat the name of the color, then have your child point to the color and name it as well.

Practice Letter Recognition

Along with being able to write their own name, your child should be able to recognize all of the letters in the alphabet, both uppercase and lowercase. Practice these letters at home, play games such as matching uppercase with lowercase letters, use flashcards, letter books, and have letters taped on the wall. Practice letters daily with your child if they are unable to recognize them. Start with uppercase first, then move on to lowercase letters.

Work with your child to get them ready for kindergarten. Do work at home and talk to educators at schools like Triple R Child Care to learn more.


About Me

Developing Your Career

When was the last time you were really happy at work? About a year ago, I started asking myself this question, and it occurred to me that I really needed to go back to school. I started spending a lot of time thinking carefully about what the future held for me, and it was really eye-opening. Within a few short months, I was enrolled at another college and enjoying my time learning. I wanted to make a blog for adults that head back to school, because it is a great way to make your life better. Check out this blog for finding the right school for you.